Lester Dela Cruz

Santa Barbara City College
Computer Engineering

Denial of Service

Denial of Service is a popular attack used for crashing websites. Companies that depend on the availability of their website are vulnerable to this type of attack, furthermore this attack is relatively simple to implement. Hackers implement this attack by first probing for parts of the website that consume the most website resources. Then, the hackers flood that part of the website to the point where the website consumes too many resources and crashes. Currently, when a company is under a Denial of Service attack, the most popular defense is to manually remove the part that is being attacked while rendering the rest of the website. However, this defense is expensive to implement and requires constant monitoring. This project attempts to solve these two downsides. Our goal for this project is to build a framework that automates the selection of the resource-hogging website functionality, and automatically removes them while rendering the rest of the website the same. 

UC Santa Barbara Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships UCSB California NanoSystems Institute