Gretchen Keller

Santa Barbara City College

Synthesis of Novel Lanthanum/Organic Hybrid Prorous Materials

This research focuses on the synthesis and characterization of organic/inorganic hybrids. These porous materials are open-framework solids consisting of a rare-earth or transition metal linked by an organic acid. Depending on the connectivity of the metal and the size of the acid, various sizes of "pores" are achieved. Hydrothermal synthesis is employed to create the new materials and both Powder and Single-crystal X-ray Diffractometry are used to determine the structures. Using Lanthanum and Diglycolic Acid, a novel open-framework material has been synthesized and it's structure has been determined. Doping these materials leads to interesting optical properties and future applications.

UC Santa Barbara Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships UCSB California NanoSystems Institute