William Reynolds

Ventura College

Non-Governmental Organizations and Tomorrow's Nanotechnology

With possible unknown health and safety risks and no regulation on handling practices (Maynard et al. 2006; Nel et al. 2006; Scheringer 2008; Oberdorster et al. 2005), engineered nanomaterials are attracting new research to understand public risk perception and its role in the development of nanotechnology (Kahan 2009). Non-governmental organizations, or interest groups, serve as self-identified representatives of and advocates for the public. As such, they have the potential to effect public perception and the future governance of nanotechnology (Hess 2010). My research will look to answer the first two research questions listed bellow, so that future research will have a good framework from which to build to be able to answer the broader research questions.

UC Santa Barbara Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships UCSB California NanoSystems Institute